Saturday, 21 June 2014

9 SEO Strategies You Shouldn’t Be Using in 2014

Too many businesses and bloggers adopt an SEO strategy early on in their online days and then never go back to tweak it as new research and case studies become available, showing more effective tactics to adopt. With search algorithms changing so frequently, it can be ineffective to continue with the same methods for years or even months at a time. Approaches that got great results initially quickly become outdated.
And employing black hat SEO tactics can be downright risky both for your site and your brand. You don’t want to risk being labeled a spammer.
Read on to learn which SEO strategies you should be removing from your portfolio of tricks.

1. Cloaking

Cloaking is a black hat tactic that quickly fell out of favor, even though it could be effective. It involves showing one version of your web site to web crawlers while offering another to people who actually come to the site. For instance, if you have a web page that’s heavy on advertising, and you know that the Google bots won’t like that, you instead present a page with fewer ads and more editorial content to the crawlers. Spammers employed this approach heavily in the early years of the web, and it ticks Google off when people try to play tricks like that. Your site will be punished if you cloak it.

2. Invisible Text Keywords

Using this approach is basically a way to put in some extra keywords that only search engines, and not actual web surfers, can see. It’s definitely a case of less is more; Google has issued warnings that hidden text is considered spammy and will be punished. Still, some sites try to do an updated version of invisible stuffing by placing keywords underneath other elements on the page, for instance. Just skip this entirely. It’s not worth the potential downsides.

3. Duplicating Content

When you write a great post, it’s tempting to want to reproduce it across multiple pages on multiple sites to get more play. But the SEO gods frown upon duplicate content of any type, even if it’s your own stuff that’s getting copied. When you post the same thing in multiple places, you’ll pay a price. Google wants you to create new, original content and lots of it. That’s a guiding principle to remember in the SEO trenches.

4. Getting Links from Bad Sites

You don’t just have to worry about the upkeep of your own site, where proper grammar, strong original content and correct tagging are key to staying in Google’s good graces. You also have to worry about which other sites are linking to you. If your site is getting linked up with spammy sites with questionable content and loads of ads, it’s going to hurt your page ranking.

5. Doorway Pages
Are you noticing a theme here? Anything that is deceptive and dishonest is frowned upon by search engines, and that includes doorway pages, i.e. fake pages that users are not intended to see. They are also known as:

    Portal pages
    Jump pages
    Gateway pages

These pages are usually designed to target a specific phrase. They are also easily detectible by search engines and will result in penalties.

6. Churning Out Short-Form Content

Aggregate sites that jumped on trending topics with dinky 200-word posts generated loads of traffic just a few years ago. But Google has become wise to their ways. The search engine has gotten more adept at separating the wheat from the chaff, which in this case means the reliable and informative content from the short pieces centered on a few keywords. Short posts are no longer in. Instead, longform content with depth of research and information will gain you better SEO results.

7. Keyword Stuffing

Stuffing is great for turkeys, but not so much for web pages. In the earlier days of SEO, web sites were nearly unreadable. They were chock full of so many keywords, many of which did not fit together naturally and thus made it hard for a reader to understand. There’s just no way to fit a phrase like “plumber Little Rock cheap” organically into a post. Google has moved on, too, away from keywords and toward a more phonetic type of search, focusing on answers to questions and anticipating search words rather than keying on specific terms.

8. Link Wheels

This strategy was popular all the way up until early 2013, but once Google caught on to it, it fell out of favor. The idea is to create a series of sites with content that is loosely tied together, then link them together and, in turn, connect them to your main website. In concept it’s not a bad idea, but it’s time consuming and too easy to try to take shortcuts, like the aforementioned duplicate content.

9. Using Bots to Generate Content
It is worth the extra money to hire someone to write your content. Using generated content is simply not smart. Web surfers have become way too savvy to fall for content with obvious keywords or clumsily worded phrases. Not only will potential customers distrust your site if it’s full of generated content, but Google will also hate you. The search engine has cracked down on generated content over the years, and few people are still using it. But if you’re stuck in the “cheaper is better” mentality, rethink your approach and get a writer to handle content.

Friday, 20 June 2014

Business Listing Sites in India

India Local Business listing directories are the websites that contains the different types of Indian businesses which are categorized in the topic wise and area wise.
You can promote your online or offline business now on the below listed best business directories without paying anything at all. All the business listing directories offer free business listing where you can advertise your business while mentioning all the business details and required information.
List your business in the top best business classified directories and see it growing over a small period of time. Your business gets free promotion through these business classified listings. You may choose ‘business opportunities’ category in the listed directories and post as much as details about your business, company, or product along with contact details and business website address.

Don’t forget to add your business or company in the famous social media sites as well.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Best On-Page SEO Techniques

SEO simply stands for Search Engine Optimization. This is where you construct your web pages and implement certain techniques to help you rank as high as possible on search engine result pages (SERPs). The higher your pages can rank on Google/Bing/Yahoo/etc. results pages, the more traffic your site is likely to get.

On-Page Techniques:-

1. Page Titles

Your page titles are one of the most important SEO factors on your site. Each of your pages & posts should have its own unique title, which includes the main keywords for that page.
For example, you could write a blog post about a new chocolate cake recipe that you have tried. It is therefore vitally important that you include ‘Chocolate Cake Recipe’ within your post title, perhaps “Easy Chocolate Cake Recipe” or “ Chocolate Cake Recipe for kids”, etc.
This way, whenever someone searches for Chocolate Cake Recipes in a search engine, your post has a better chance of showing up because you have included those keywords.

2. Meta Descriptions

Many people forget to include meta descriptions for their pages. These descriptions are an important place to include relevant keywords for your content, as these are used within the search results when your page is listed.
For instance, if we continue to use the ‘Chocolate Cake Recipe’ example, then a good meta description for that page would include those keywords and related ones. So, “This easy chocolate cake recipe is possibly the most delicious, mouth watering, chocolatey cake ever made.” would be a great meta description to use, as it is relatively short, whilst containing a number of specific keywords.

3. Meta Tags

For each of your pages, you can include a set of keywords in the form of meta tags. These should be all the relevant keywords of your content, which you will have researched previously.
I use a WordPress plug-in on my sites called ‘All In One SEO Pack’. This allows me to enter all of my meta tag keywords, meta description and page title at the bottom of each of my posts before publishing. This simply inserts all of the information into your page HTML format for you, making your life a little easier.
Page Title, Meta Description and Meta Tags

4. URL Structure

Including search engine friendly URLs for each of your pages is highly recommended, as these bring better crawling. Shorter URLs seem to perform better in search engine results, however that is not the only factor.
URLs that include targeted keywords, also perform better. The location of these keywords can also be a major influence. For example would perform better than folder/keyword etc.
As you can see for this page, the URL is I have included the keywords that are relevant for this post.

5. Body Tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.)

When writing your articles, you should break up your content into smaller sections & paragraphs to make it easier for people to read. These sections can be given heading, which is where H1, H2, H3, H4, etc. tags are used.
Generally H1 tags are reserved for your main page title, with subsequent headings (just like the ones I have used throughout this post) being issued H2, H3, etc. Search engines use these to determine what is important within your content. This is why keyword rich headlines are more useful than generic ones. Make sure you write keyword rich headings in the order of priority in H1, H2 and H3 title tags. They are used by many crawlers to differentiate important content.

6. Keyword Density

Including relevant keywords throughout your content is very important, as it helps search engines work out what your content is about. However, try not to excessively repeat and overuse keywords just for search engine robots. This can lead to your site being banned from search engines.
To avoid this, try to keep your keyword density to roughly 2-5%. If you find this hard, get out a thesaurus and broaden your writing vocabulary. This way, you are still writing about the same thing, without risk of being banned.

7. Image SEO

On-Page SEO 

Using images within your content is a great way to make your site more visually appealing and break up boring chunks of text. You can utilize these images to help improve your site SEO.
All your uploaded images have titles, so treat them just the same as your page titles. Including relevant keywords can help people find your site when searching on Google Images.
You can also include Alt Text and Descriptions for your images, making them even more useful with SEO.

8. Internal Linking

People often think that the only links that count are those from other websites. While these links are important, these are not the only important links!
Placing links to your other website pages, is a great way of improving your site and used properly, internal links can be a useful weapon in your SEO arsenal. Not only does it make it much easier for your visitors to navigate around your site and find all of your content, but it also ensures that your site gets properly crawled allowing the search engines to find all of your pages. It also helps to build the relevancy of a page to relevant keywords and phrases, whilst also helping to increase the Google Page Rank of your pages.
There are a number of different methods that you can use to improve your internal linking structure. The main being; content links and permanent navigation links.

These 8 techniques are just some of the ways that you can improve your on-page SEO. Any one used independently of the others won’t make much difference to your site ranking, however when used together, they can help to improve your site traffic.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

High PR Profile Creation Sites List

Profile creation has increased the rate of Engagement of users in on-line sites. Profile Linking has definitely provided a better diversity and allows the visitor to communicate with the site in a much smoother way. It has provided the web designers a new approach and far bigger potential to show their creativity and enhanced the communication level of its audiences. It is vary easy job to create a profile back link.You have to use different techniques for different sites.But your target is specific.

Here is the list of  profile creation links:

Which Off-Page SEO Factors Really Make a Difference?

As someone who runs a website, you’re familiar with SEO. You understand that there are certain techniques and tactics that can take a webpage from the bottom of the barrel in terms of search rankings to the top. You’re probably aware that proper SEO is essential for being found on major search engines and that without it, growing an established online presence can be a challenge.

Now, think about your definition of SEO. Chances are, things like keyword optimization, meta-descriptions and even photo optimization are coming to mind. These are all wonderful, essential aspects of traditional SEO. They are also all considered to be on-page factors. Learn what off-page SEO is and about the tactics that really make a difference below.

What is Off-Page SEO?

Off-page SEO relates to all aspects of driving traffic back to your site that pertain to external factors – things that lie outside of your actual website. These include link building, social media, social bookmarking and other tactics that will be discussed shortly.

Off-page SEO is critical for rounding out on-page tactics. Off-page strategies can boost rankings, improve page rankings and garner additional exposure. All of this means more traffic and more potential for conversions in the long run.

A few off-page factors that really make a difference include:

Social Media Engagement-

Your potential customers and clients aren’t a distant group of individuals that cannot be easily reached like they may have been just 10 years ago. Social media has changed the landscape. In fact, social media networks are designed to help individuals connect with other individuals and with brands like yours. Take advantage of it!

By building a social media presence – starting with the networks that your target market are most likely to frequent – you can offer opportunities for engagement that can’t be found elsewhere. While social media numbers and signals play an unknown role in page rankings, they play a definite role in online presence and brand appeal. As such, social networking opportunities to engage should be a major part of any off-page SEO strategy.

Local Search Optimization-

Local search optimization is especially important for any business with an actual physical location, store or branch. The practice involves optimizing a website so that it is displayed according to the physical location of the searcher.

It’s nothing new, searches have been influenced by location for some time now using GPS and mobile technologies. While not new, it’s more important than ever. With a growing number of individuals looking to connect with local businesses and with technology that follows us everywhere, optimizing a site to show up in local searches is critical.

Look for local directories, register your site and business with Google Places and Bing and display your location prominently in social media profiles and other online locations for best results.

Building Business Reviews-

Is there a better way to instill trust in your brand than to have positive reviews wherever you’re found online? Probably not. However, many marketers and business owners fail to see this as an off-page SEO optimization strategy. This should change; positive reviews help certain brands attract more attention than others, lead to higher conversion rates and play a role in page rankings as far as search algorithms are concerned.

In fact, a 2013 consumer review hosted by Bright Local found that 79% of consumers trust online reviews as much as they would trust a personal recommendation from a friend or family member and 85% of online consumers claim to read reviews prior to making any purchases or taking part in any business transactions. Important? Absolutely.

Link Building

Yes, link building still matters. No, it’s not going away any time soon according to ‘one of Matt Cutts’ latest videos.
Link building – or, the process of getting your site’s link displayed on external websites to increase online presence in the eyes of search engines – has gotten a bad rep lately. This is mostly due to “illegal” link networks – illegal in the eyes of Google – that allow users to buy and sell back links. However, when done correctly, backlinks can be a search-approved way to increase rankings externally.
To increase backlinks, consider the following techniques:
  • List your site’s link in your social media brand profiles.
  • Submit press releases through PRWeb or other platforms that disperse releases to a wide audience.
  • Use guest posting sparingly. Look for opportunities that relate to your niche and include your link in a natural way inside of the posts you create.
  • Host a webinar, offering the recording on your website. If the material you share is useful and authoritative, you’ll have a better shot at it being shared.
  • Create content that has the potential to be shared. By creating content – that you share on social media sites – that is useful, informative and catchy, you’re more likely to receive attention and a higher number of social shares.
  • Mix up your site description and work slowly. Backlinking should be a process that takes time and patience, not a once and done effort.
Off-page SEO can be just as important as on-page SEO and should be taken seriously. Consider the ideas above when generating an SEO strategy or working with an SEO firm and think about the goals for your business. Are you looking to increase traffic and conversions? If the answer is yes – it should be – then adding off-page SEO efforts could be beneficial.

Do Follow Bookmarking Sites 2014

Social Bookmarking Service also results in high places in order to be able to engage in some form of Internet marketing, ecommerce website on the internet to create online help for popularity.

Hope above list will help you to make SEO for your site.